It’ll take each one of us to create lasting change

At Chaitanya Charitable Trust, we are dedicated to nurturing the potential of children through comprehensive educational support. Our initiatives include providing scholarships, school supplies, and access to quality education. We also focus on holistic development programs that foster critical thinking, creativity, and emotional well-being, ensuring children are prepared for a bright future.

At Chaitanya Charitable Trust, we believe that education is the cornerstone of a prosperous and equitable society. Our commitment to fostering education is manifested through various initiatives aimed at supporting children from underprivileged backgrounds.

Educational Support

We provide comprehensive educational support to children, ensuring they have access to quality education. This includes:
  • School Supplies: Providing necessary materials such as textbooks, notebooks, uniforms, and stationery to help students focus on their studies without financial burdens.
  • Learning Materials: Supplying educational resources such as workbooks, digital tools, and access to online learning platforms to enhance the learning experience.

At Chaitanya Charitable Trust, empowering women is a fundamental aspect of our mission. We believe that when women thrive, their communities prosper. Our women’s empowerment programs are designed to provide the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities for women to succeed.

Entrepreneurial Support

Our entrepreneurial support initiatives help women start and grow their businesses. This includes:

  • Business Training: Workshops on business planning, marketing, and financial management.
  • Microloans: Access to microloans to support entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Save and Borrow: Create savings funds and access loans.
  • Peer Support: Benefit from mutual support and guidance.


At Chaitanya Charitable Trust, we are dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to essential healthcare services and support. Our Health & Human Services initiatives aim to reach the most vulnerable populations and provide them with the care they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Healthcare Services

We bring vital healthcare services directly to those who need them most through various programs, including:

  • Medical Camps: Organizing regular medical camps in underserved areas to provide free health check-ups, consultations, and treatments.
  • Essential Medicines: Distributing necessary medications to those who cannot afford them, ensuring that everyone has access to lifesaving drugs.

At Chaitanya Charitable Trust, we are committed to protecting our environment and providing humanitarian relief during times of crisis. Our initiatives aim to safeguard natural resources and offer immediate support to communities affected by disasters.

Environmental Conservation

We focus on various environmental conservation efforts to ensure a sustainable future:

  • Tree Plantation Drives: Organizing tree plantation campaigns to increase green cover and combat deforestation.
  • Clean-Up Campaigns: Conducting clean-up drives in public areas, rivers, and beaches to reduce pollution and promote cleanliness.
  • Awareness Programs: Running educational programs to raise awareness about environmental issues, such as climate change, waste management, and conservation practices.